Thursday, January 21, 2010

So far, so good

So far, it seems that Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be my favorite days of the week. In the a,m., I have a literature class called "Growin up in Dixie," and it is about exactly what it says...growing up in the South, and American literature stemming from Southern authors. My professor is a new, just out of school dude from Wisconsin...laid back, easy going attitude. Then, in the afternoon ....Ceramics. Yes, I get to play with clay twice a week and act like a little kid with Play-Doh being taught how to make bowls from a man who seems more like a grandpa then a college professor.

My other lit class is Modern English and Irish Literature. The reading list seems like it is going to be really enjoyable, but this particular class is going to be a bit more work than the others, but that's okay. Still not as much reading and writing as I had to do last semester so far, so its all good. I am also taking a feature writing class. This will be my.. 6th (?) Journalism class. I am still a little skeptical as to how this one will turn out, but we shall wait and see.

Then there is my Senior Honors Thesis.

I am writing about the family dynamics/ culture/ life in Indian families. I am using Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things and Jhumpa Lahiri's Unaccustomed Earth. Originally, I also planned to use Midnight's Children by Rushdie, but I decided to eliminate it because I just wasn't as enthused by it, than the other two. I need to have some kind of draft in a couple of weeks. It is interesting to be invested in this one project for so long. Normally, for a term paper, you labor over it for days, then you hand it in and forget about it, you can't even stand to look at it anymore. But with this, it is months of work, and you actually have the freedom to go in any direction for as many or as little pages as you want, or don't want. It is different but challenging and fun to have the ability to just completley delve into a book and totally rip it up, give your own analysis, then put it back together...and all with your own words, thoughts and conclusions. More about that later...

I know, I am a bit of a nerd. I can't help it :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My life at the moment

Today, my last semester of college began, and I felt as if I was in a fuzzy dream the entire day. The kind that when you wake up, you are dazed and confused. But I have to face the facts, that today actually happened, and that May 21st is actually coming, and way too fast.

I am an English major with a minor in Journalism, and you would think, at this point in my educational career, that I would be able to read a book in my sleep, write a paper in an hour while watching TLC and eating some Special Dark hershey's chocolate, and let the stresses of class just roll off my back. Nope.

Last night I had a midnight freak out about my life. It happens every semester, every year. You get a break and eventually have go back, but that night before never gets any easier. It is like when you were little, and getting ready for the first day of the new school year. The mixture is a blend of nervousness and excitement. I've realized that those emotions remain exactly the same. The only difference? Instead of new classmates, seeing old friends, etc., we worry about..Am i going to finish this thesis on time? How am I going to get all that reading done? How on earth am I going to survive??

I am currently applying to grad schools in New York City, but am also searching for internship opportunities for the summer. Taking it one step at a time, not sure where I will end up. Job? Two more years of acadamia? Who knows. I can't wait to find out...but then again, I can. I want to soak up this last bit of college life, enjoy the time I have to be care free (sort of) and take whatever comes my way. Readyyy...Break!