Friday, February 26, 2010

Huge sigh of relief, looking foward to New Orleans

I cannot believe it. I finally finished my Senior Honors Thesis!!! 44 pages, 19 sources and endless hours later. I have to meet with my advisor on Monday with my final version, make sure everything is okay, then Thursday is the final deadline. I have been working on this thing since last summer, so it is crazy that I actually pulled it off and got it done! I have never written so much in my life. Not so sure I will ever do anything like that again, EVER.

I had a Blue Moon to celebrate. (Don't worry, more elaborate celebrations will follow when there isn't a foot of snow on the ground.

On another note, I e-mailed in my cover letter and resume to Penguin for a summer internship! It is fate that I end up working at Penguin. My grandfather worked in the same exact building in Manhattan for most of his career. He made the same commute, walked the same streets. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long to hear news about that. My grad school applications are also almost finished. I only have one more to send in!

I leave for New Orleans next Saturday! I am going for Spring break. It is an Alternative Spring Break where we go to volunteer in the city. We will be doing different community service projects during the day and will have the nights free. I am so excited to see a new place, and possibly thaw out from this rediculous winter we are having :/ It is supposed to be in the 60s when I get there... not the warmest, but it will do just fine!

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