Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thesis is DONE and Headed to New Orleans!!

So, my senior thesis is finally complete. 46 pages written, 19 sources used, many more read, and countless hours of work later. I can't believe it is done! Such a good feeling to hand it over to your professor, and know that you are free from the bind of secondary cources, theorists and in text citations! I never want to analyze another quote ever again!!!

Now, SPRING BREAK!! I have never actually gone anywhere for spring break since I have been in college, no time like the present:) I am going to New Orleans with a program called Alternative Spring Break, we will be working with soup kitchens and Covenant House while down there. I have been a bit nervous about going, but I am also excited because it is so different and new to me. I have no idea what to expect, but that is the best part of traveling. You know you are going, but you are not completley sure about will happen or what it will be like. I think I am more nervous about leaving home, than going somewhere foreign. I've been to Italy and Ireland and I have seen so many amazing, ancient, elaborate monuments, but this will something totally different.

THe weather is going to be in the 60s, so I cannot wait to thaw out a bit and be warm for a few days :)

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